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ECRE Project on Elderly Refugees
The project 'Reception and integration of Elderly Refugees' represents a part of a larger European project.

Download ECRE Project on Elderly Refugees final report here.

The coordinating agency is ECRE (European Council on Refugees and Exiles) - a European network comprising about 60 member agencies that work to assist refugees and asylum seekers.

This project is supported by the European Refugee Fund.

asylkoordination österreich is examining the situation of aged refugees.
The project applies to all refugees aged 50 and older regardless of whether they came only recently to the host country or grew old there.
Elderly refugees are often referred to as a particularly vulnerable group, in addition to e.g. unaccompanied minors and traumatized refugees.
In Europe there have been few surveys and inquiries about elderly refugees. The same is true for refugee assisting projects - they have scarcely focused on the needs of the elderly.
Most refugees who enter the European Union are aged between 20 and 45. That is why nearly none of the available supporting structures and offers - such as housing, language tuition, medical care - fit the needs of people beyond employable age.

In the policies of refugee assisting NGOs the needs of the elderly have also been rather neglected. Through this project the interests and needs of elderly refugees should be better looked after.

_ Building up and sustaining a network for exchange of experience between NGOs.
_ Survey on the situation of refugees in European countries covering the following issues:
   Statistic figures (number of aged refugees, residence permit).
   Medical and social care.
   Availability of housing and other facilities suitable for aged people.
   Conceptual design of practical support for elderly refugees.
   download a report on the findings here [PDF, 800 kb, english].
_ Collection of Good Practice Models.
_ Recommandations for lobbying activities on national and European level.
_ Resarch activities.
_ European Conference on Reception and Integration of Refugees, Vienna, 11th - 13th of October 2002.
   This joint conference combined four themes, which in the last two years have been examined by agencies
   of different European nations within the ECRE project on reception and integration of refugees.
   The conference included working groups on the following issues:
   Reception and Integration of Elderly Refugees - asylkoordination österrreich (coordination).
   Protection and Rehabilitation of Traumatized Refugees - Caritas Köln (coordination).
   Education - World University Service (Refugee Education and TrainingAdvisory Service), UK (coordination).
   Employment - British Refugee Council, UK (coordination).

For further informations and orders of project reports please contact

Marion Kremla
asylkoordination österreich

tel. ++43 01 53 212 91 - 14

An ECRE Project

Supported by the European Refugee Fund


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'Analysing new Approaches in Policy and Practice'