Asylforum 2020 5th - 6th November 2020
World Wide Web
World Wide Web
Thursday 05.11.2020
9.30: Welcome
Welcoming remarks by member of Upper Austrian Government Stefan Kaineder (Greens)
9.45-10.30: Input
Consequences resulting from the state of emergency caused by the Covid19 pandemic on the mental health situation of asylum seekers
Barbara Preitler (Hemayat)
10.40-12.00 Workshop
Common European Asylum System – „New Pact“ by the European Commission
Josephine Liebl (ECRE) (For this workshop we offer simultaneous translation)
14.00-14.30: Input
State of Play – Start of Legal Counselling by Federal Agency of Counselling and Support Services (BBU GmbH) in asylum procedures in 2021
Lukas Gahleitner-Gertz (asylkoordination österreich)
15.00-16.30: Panal 1
Friday 06.11.2020
10.00-11.30: Panel 2
Common European Asylum System – „New Pact“ or Old wine in new bottles?
Adriana Romer (Schweizer Flüchtlingshilfe)
Karl Kopp (Pro Asyl Germany)
Wolfgang Bogensberger (Office of the European Commission in Austria)
Josef Weidenholzer (former MEP, Social Democratic Party Austria) – tbc
Moderation: Anny Knapp (asylkoordination österreich)
Final Remarks – Lukas Gahleitner-Gertz
The entire program will be interpreted simultaneously to English

9.30: Welcome
Welcoming remarks by member of Upper Austrian Government Stefan Kaineder (Greens)
9.45-10.30: Input
Consequences resulting from the state of emergency caused by the Covid19 pandemic on the mental health situation of asylum seekers
Barbara Preitler (Hemayat)
10.40-12.00 Workshop
Common European Asylum System – „New Pact“ by the European Commission
Josephine Liebl (ECRE) (For this workshop we offer simultaneous translation)
14.00-14.30: Input
State of Play – Start of Legal Counselling by Federal Agency of Counselling and Support Services (BBU GmbH) in asylum procedures in 2021
Lukas Gahleitner-Gertz (asylkoordination österreich)
15.00-16.30: Panal 1
Addressing open questions on the start of the Federal Agency of Counselling and Support Services (BBU GmbH)
Andreas Achrainer (CEO BBU GmbH)
Stephan Klammer (Head of Legal Counselling BBU GmbH)
Jasmin Gerges (Caritas Austria)
Lukas Gahleitner-Gertz (asylkoordination österreich)
Andreas Achrainer (CEO BBU GmbH)
Stephan Klammer (Head of Legal Counselling BBU GmbH)
Jasmin Gerges (Caritas Austria)
Lukas Gahleitner-Gertz (asylkoordination österreich)
Friday 06.11.2020
10.00-11.30: Panel 2
Common European Asylum System – „New Pact“ or Old wine in new bottles?
Adriana Romer (Schweizer Flüchtlingshilfe)
Karl Kopp (Pro Asyl Germany)
Wolfgang Bogensberger (Office of the European Commission in Austria)
Josef Weidenholzer (former MEP, Social Democratic Party Austria) – tbc
Moderation: Anny Knapp (asylkoordination österreich)
Final Remarks – Lukas Gahleitner-Gertz
The entire program will be interpreted simultaneously to English